Spotlight Brille: Im Interview mit den Chicks on Speed
- 11. Sep.. 2009
- Michael Runge
- Aktuelles
Wer kennt sie nicht, die bunten Hühner des Elektro: Die Chicks on Speed. Spätestens mit ihrer Cover-Version des NDW-Kultschlagers „Kaltes Klares Wasser“ schaffte die avantgardistische Girl-Combo ihren Durchbruch zum weltweiten Erfolg. Besonderes Markenzeichen der Band ist ihr außergewöhnliches Styling. Damit setzen die ehemaligen Kunststudentinnen Alex, Melissa, Kathi und Anat ein besonderes Statement gegen den Mainstream. Deshalb war ich besonders neugierig, was die Chicks zur aktuellen Brillenmode zu sagen haben. Das Interview mit Alex gibt’s nach dem Klick.
I saw lots of eyes on your homepage. What´s the spezial thing about eyes for you?
Watching eyes, being all-aware, taking an active part in what´s going on around us.
the eye as a symbol in art, craft and fashion is fascinating, from Dali to Schiaparelli to Ono,
eye eye! Its protective powers!
You´re not only making music but fashion too. How would you describe the chicks-style? Is there something special about it?
Chicks style changes a lot, right now, Kathi Glas made us some wild lycra outfits for stage, i´d say our style right now is very fluro lycra, bondage Brazillian!
It’s special to us, cause we usually make the clothes together with Kathi, so they express exactly what we´re feeling, when we´re in another mood we change what we´re wearing, we change our outfits a lot on stage and during the day actually. Chicks on Speed´s style is outrageously colorful and eponymous!
You have a special sence for extraordinary fashion. How would a pair of glasses look like that will fit to you? Do you need glasses anyway?
I´d wear Martin Margeila Mono sunglasses for meetings with music business mogels and for more art and craft oriented meetings at museums, just a basic pair of Bless Ulrike Meinhof styled ones. Yes actually i have to get some prescription glasses any day now! Intellectualism here i come!
Within the party scene sunglasses ever been an essential accessory. Spectacle wearers more or less had been smiled at as kind of nerds. But now it´s exactly that nerd-style people are digging. The bigger, the better. What would you think why do people love dressing with glasses like this?
I love that people don´t have to look you up and down anymore, they read you up front, Its an eye to eye thing, unavoidable fashionism in your face!
If fashion would be a language: What would one say by wearing glasses?
You just released your new album „cutting the edge“ with a track that´s called „girlmonster“. If girlmonster is kind of a person, how does it look like and could you image in girlmonster with glasses?
If a girl monster / contemporary trickster (one of our featured songs) was to wear glasses, they´d need to be very chopped, hand made, like jagged wood frames, a bit dangerous.
DJ Hell just presented his first sunglasses-collection. Did you ever thought about designing some own sunglasses and how could we imagine the ultimate pair of chicks on speed-sunglasses?
Yes, we´re actually looking for someone to collaborate with on the first Chicks on Speed eye wear collection.
They´d be be very electro-rockocco, big big bake-a-lite like frames, in organic miss- shapes, with printed patterns, colourful and bright like the sun! They´d also come with a song to wear them with!
What do you think, why are people that crazy especially about sunglasses?
They´re rapid personality changers, these accessory tools rule the streets, they make you more
approachable to people you don´t know on the street, if you´ve got the right glasses on!
Are you have futher plans you want to talk about yet?
We´re working on a chicks on speed retrospective exhibition for The Museum of Contemporary Art in Dublin, 2010, titled VIVA LA CRAFT, featuring our work from the last 12 years. Skyscrapers a group show we´re in, opens at kate macgarry Gallery in London on 3rd September
We´re working on the next series of Girl Monster at Kampnagel Theatre in Hamburg, the first of the series begins on 17th October, titled MONSTERS OF FASHION, including a lecture by famous blogger Diane Pernet, films selection by Daniela Zenone and myself, including Peggy Noland videos, Ann Liv Young live and and Art performance by Narcissister. Girl Monster is Edutainment live!
We´ve just finished a remix of Burning Down the House by Talking heads, with Dirty Disco Youth
its online now!
Our new musical Tapestry is going to be presented at Kunstverein Wolfsburg on November 27th,
where we´ll be performing with the new theremin tapestry we made with the victorian tapestry workshop.
+++++++++ACHTUNG: Die Chicks in Berlin!++++++++++++
19.09.2009 Ritter Butzke im Exil Berlin,
05.12.2009 Dice Club Berlin,
Mehr Infos zu den Chicks on Speed:
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